-- This character is not apart of the RP yet.


Short Overview: Long-furred sand tabby she-cat with yellow/blue sectoral heterochromia. She's fresh out of the nursery and hasn't lost an ounce of energy, but when she's not running off the walls, she's fairly introverted. Her confidence hasn't quite built up yet, so she clings to whatever safety she can find.


Current Name: Warmpaw

Warm; N/A. Paw; rank.

[—Warmkit, Warmsand]

Age: 6 Moons [1/2 Year]

Gender: Female [She/he/they]

Sexual Orientation: Panromantic

Creation Date: September 6, 2023

Residential Information

Rank: Apprentice

Mentor(s): OPEN [Please VM/PM me or head to the finder if you're interested. :D]

Apprentice(s): CLOSED [Too young]


[Family members can be adoptive or biological]

Father(s): OPEN

Mother (s): OPEN

Sibling(s): OPEN

Offspring: CLOSED

Best Friend(s): OPEN--No preferences

Friend(s): OPEN--No preferences

Neutral: [Cats she meets in RP.]

Enemies: SEMI-OPEN



Overview: She's a bit of a klutz and just trying to find her way through life one step at a time.

Traits: [These will change as she grows.]

Klutz; She stumbles both with her words and actions.

Naive; Zero common sense. </3

Curious; She loves to look at anything and everything, which can be troublesome when she's supposed to be focusing on something else.

Friendly/Welcoming; She has a very bad sense of who's an enemy, and who's not, but she is kind.

Phobias: N/A

Sociability: Loves to be social, but not much of a talker.

Outlook: Optimistic; still trying to grasp the fact that there are bad things.

Responsibility: She's quick to complete any task given to her, and really does want to do her best, but she's easily distracted. 

Cleanliness: A bit scruffy, but she does her best.

Generosity: Probably a little too generous.

Manners: Accidentally rude all the time because she has no filter.

Bravery: An odd mix between 'terrified of everything' and 'wanting to take a closer look at everything.'

More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional.

Favorite Season: Newleaf--nice weather, with plenty of prey too, it's the perfect season.

Least Favorite Season: Leaffall--too windy, and there's not even snow yet.

Favorite Prey: Squirrels; cute and tasty.

Least Favorite Prey: Lizards; fast and freaky.

Greatest Hope: N/A

Greatest Strength: [WIP]

Greatest Weakness: Naiveness.

Worst Nightmare: Death, or ending up in the Dark Forest.

Deepest Darkest Secret: N/A

Most Treasured Memory: N/A


Hops; She does a few hops when she's happy.

Patrols; freaks out and runs around looking for her patrolmates.

Theme Song(s): [WIP]


Place of Birth: ShadowClan--Could change if she gains parents.

Beliefs: She begrudgingly believes in StarClan and the Dark Forest. She wants to forget, and live life without religion, but she just can't get it out of her mind.

Physical Traits

Description: Long-furred sand tabby she-cat with blue/yellow sectoral heterochromia.

Fur Color(s): Sandy / Light gold

Fur Texture: Kit-like [Tufty, soft, etc]

Fur Length: Long

Markings: Mackerel tabby stripes

Eye Color: 

Left; Split--left side blue, right side yellow

Right; Yellow

Body Type/Structure: Pudgy

Height: Short

Weight: A bit above average

Voice: [WIP]

Gait: Quick, tippy-taps

Scent: [WIP]

Scars / Deformities: N/A

Conditions: N/A

Coordination: Surprisingly good

Reflexes: Slow, but improving

Strength: Zero. She could be tossed by a mere breeze.

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